
Why I Am Still Not Convinced by Makeup

I am amazed at how drastically my looks can change just by applying a few, wait no, dozens of chemicals on my face. This took almost an hour by the way. My sister-in-law is a beginner makeup artist and I was more than glad to be a canvas to help her with her growing portfolio.

I have to admit, looking at myself in the mirror all prettified, I was tempted to give makeup a try. After watching these Youtube gurus in the last few years, I figured, hmm, maybe makeup isn't so bad. I did feel a boost of confidence taking a selfie. Imagine all the guys I could fool just by applying a few colors on my face. Hmm.

Then I thought of how much I would have to spend for all that makeup: primer, concealer, eyeliner, eyeshadow palettes, blush. Don't get me wrong, I have the essentials like foundation and mascara but taking makeup to a whole new level would require me to own more than what I have now. That is not something I am willing to throw away my money for. I'm cheap like that.

And so I went back inside my room after taking this nice selfie, put on my shirt and jeans, went to the mall, got a few more looks than the usual. I think it has more to do with the fact that my face was so made up and that is not something people here in the Philippines are accustomed to.

At the end of the day, you're only left with your face. Learn to accept it. If you've got a face considered to be ugly by society, don't worry. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters more is what's on the inside. It's cliche, I know. But seriously, there are people who look like they could be God's perfect creation but on the inside, they are rotten as the devil's shit. (f.y.i. I don't believe in a Christian God or Devil)

Don't be that person who obsesses over their looks without working on the inside. Never stop working on the inside. Be kind, be patient, be loving and your beauty will extend far beyond what any ugly-hearted hot person could ever hope for.

P.S. - Nothing against beautiful people with ugly hearts. I know you too can change. Just stop being an entitled cunt for once and be nice to other people.

That's it. Still not buying your shit makeup industry! Ha!

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