
The Surest Way to Get Rid of Ants from Your Electronics

Last week, I was faced with a very strange dilemma when I discovered that my modem had been infested with ants. Thankfully, I caught it just in time before the little critters could do more damage. Silly me thought these were just pesky ants that I could huff and puff until they disappear. I left my router only to find it later being attacked by ants AGAIN! I did this several times without success.

So I went to the internet and scoured for answers. I learned about a particular species of ants, which are relatively new, to be attracted to electromagnetic heat causing them to swarm inside electronic devices. I tried to look for a solution to this problem but I found no real good answer. Just endless pun jokes about debugging my electronics. I can't blame people though. Such stupidity can be expected on the internet.

I saw one solution which was about setting up a moat for ants which supposedly triggers their instinct to leave. The only problem is, this doesn't work for electronic devices that always need to be plugged, like my router. Ants can access the outlet and simply use the wire as a bridge towards the device.

I was beginning to get frustrated. Several debugging jokes later, I was ready to settle for the old-time chalk solution but even I wasn't convinced that it works. It wasn't until I found another solution which was petroleum jelly. Yes! Petroleum jelly applied around part of the wire. You only need an inch of the wire covered in a dollop of petroleum jelly, enough to discourage the ant from crossing further.

After setting up my moat, I placed petroleum jelly around the wire which I made sure would not be in any contact with surface that could be accessed by ants. This way, if they do attempt to cross, they see the petroleum jelly blocking their way and it's either they retreat (for approaching ants) or they stay stuck in the router, realize there's no escape, and they die a slow death (for stuck ants).

The strategy worked; several dead ants were floating in the bowl the day after. I plan on keeping it this way for the rest of my internet-using days. Darn ants!

Having trouble getting rid of ants from your electronic device? Let me know if this helped! If not, let's find a workaround.


I Miss Writing

Everyday at work, I finish my tasks as quick as I can so I have time to write.

This rarely happens.

The writing, that is

As soon as I am done with everything at work and I have an hour or two, I end up being stuck for words. I don't really know what to write about. All I know is, I want to write. I know. Typical writer's dilemma right?

My 24th year has so far been the most crucial year in my life since I learned so much but it's just sad that I don't know how to put these lessons into words. I wish I had something or someone to blame it on like my job or my boyfriend but that's just not fair. I see people with busier lives than me who still manage to write everyday.

I don't even care so much about who reads my stuff anymore. All I want to do is just write. Back when I worked for a big company, I always made it a point to blog at least once a week. Now I barely do it once a month. And it's a shame because back then I worked night shifts and I still managed to stay awake in the morning just to write.

When I evaluate my daily activities and try to pinpoint the reasons why I can't find time to write anymore, it all boils down to three reasons.

1. I'm in a relationship now.
Back when I  was single, I had all the time in the world to do whatever I want. I could look at the ceiling and just listen to music for hours or I could just talk to my best friend on the phone if I felt like it. Every after work, I would have all six hours to myself and another seven hours of sleep before I get back to work again. Now I have to schedule my time and set time for cuddling, movies, dates, and such.

I'm not complaining. I mean having a person to love and scratch your back for you is one of the best feelings. It's just that I thought balancing work, friends, relationship, and hobbies would be easier. Damn you Carrie Bradshaw!

2. I would rather relax at the end of the day than write.
I consider myself a hardworking person but when it is time to relax, I relaaaaahx. Using the computer isn't exactly my favorite past time after having stared at it for a whole nine hours. Instead of opening my laptop, I end up lying on my bed trying to reflect on my life and wondering what the hell I am doing giving up my freedom for a job. That or I sit in front of the fridge scavenging for something to eat.

3. I get easily distracted. (Internet, books, social media, etc.) 
Like a cat chasing a laser pointer, my attention gets easily pulled by whatever I see or can think of. I remember when I had to go to Facebook to send a work-related message to my brother when all of a sudden, I find myself talking to my friends online and scrolling through photos of my other stupid so called "friends". After closing the window, I asked myself, "Wait. Wasn't I supposed to do something important?" I go back to Facebook and the whole cycle begins again. Haha.

So yes, those are my list of excuses for not being able to write as frequently as I would like to. I think I am making improvements because just a few minutes ago I wrote a diatribe on how much I want to kill someone. Yes, writing does have its benefits. It keeps people like me from killing other people.

Phew. That was shit. Bye now.


Why I Am Still Not Convinced by Makeup

I am amazed at how drastically my looks can change just by applying a few, wait no, dozens of chemicals on my face. This took almost an hour by the way. My sister-in-law is a beginner makeup artist and I was more than glad to be a canvas to help her with her growing portfolio.

I have to admit, looking at myself in the mirror all prettified, I was tempted to give makeup a try. After watching these Youtube gurus in the last few years, I figured, hmm, maybe makeup isn't so bad. I did feel a boost of confidence taking a selfie. Imagine all the guys I could fool just by applying a few colors on my face. Hmm.

Then I thought of how much I would have to spend for all that makeup: primer, concealer, eyeliner, eyeshadow palettes, blush. Don't get me wrong, I have the essentials like foundation and mascara but taking makeup to a whole new level would require me to own more than what I have now. That is not something I am willing to throw away my money for. I'm cheap like that.

And so I went back inside my room after taking this nice selfie, put on my shirt and jeans, went to the mall, got a few more looks than the usual. I think it has more to do with the fact that my face was so made up and that is not something people here in the Philippines are accustomed to.

At the end of the day, you're only left with your face. Learn to accept it. If you've got a face considered to be ugly by society, don't worry. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters more is what's on the inside. It's cliche, I know. But seriously, there are people who look like they could be God's perfect creation but on the inside, they are rotten as the devil's shit. (f.y.i. I don't believe in a Christian God or Devil)

Don't be that person who obsesses over their looks without working on the inside. Never stop working on the inside. Be kind, be patient, be loving and your beauty will extend far beyond what any ugly-hearted hot person could ever hope for.

P.S. - Nothing against beautiful people with ugly hearts. I know you too can change. Just stop being an entitled cunt for once and be nice to other people.

That's it. Still not buying your shit makeup industry! Ha!

The Worst Romantic Comedy I Have Ever Seen

Here you go Samantha.

Yes, I hate Notting Hill and yes, I am writing a blogpost to express my hate for it.

Yes, it's been quite awhile since I posted here and no, I don't have a good excuse for doing so.

Enough about me, let's talk about the movie. I watched this two months ago with my boyfriend. He loves it while I hate it. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I have never understood the appeal of Julia Robers -not until later when I see her in Closer (I know, it's late. I don't care.)

Anyway, not liking Julia Roberts made it hard for me to like her character, Anna. I tried so hard to sympathize for her but I can't. I just can't. I can't sympathize with a celebrity who earns millions of dollars doing movies, and numerously dumps the one man who was actually sincere towards her for her asshole actor boyfriend.

That scene in the bookstore where she says, "I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy..." my eyes were twitching in mixed feelings of anger and amazement of how cheesy such a movie could be.

The only thing salvageable about the movie is young Hugh Grant. Then again, I've yet to meet someone who's irresistibly dorky and charming as his character.

This opinion will not matter in ten years. Goodbye.


Cat Callers are Attention Seeking Monkeys

I was just having a pleasant time yesterday walking home from work when all of a sudden, these guys hanging outside an auto repair shop were saying "Hi idol.", "Hi miss", "Regards ko."as I was passing by. In the Philippines, saying those things is an equivalent to a cat call.

Without even thinking or looking at these ignorant, small-minded buffoons that like to call themselves men, I raised my middle finger up. I could hear them laughing and I was just there resuming to walk, feeling liberated. Behind those laughs, I could sense a desperation to be noticed. These men who catcalled me were probably not used to having a woman respond to their insensitive remarks so in order to mask the pain of being embarrassed, they just laughed.

I wasn't particularly in a bad mood at the time which was why I was surprised that I reacted that way. I usually don't do anything about catcalls. I try to ignore them and hopefully, me not acknowledging the catcallers existence is enough insult but something in my subconscious must have triggered me to do that. I probably have had enough which resulted in my reacting that way.  Hmm.. I don't know. I'm probably overthinking this little incident but it made me think about the issue again.

I hate that this behavior is still pervasive in the society that I live in. Most Filipinas (like me) would rather ignore a catcaller than confront them. And because of this passive behavior, men who catcall think it's okay so they continue doing it anyway which in turn results in more women being harassed by these monkeys.


It just angers me when I think about it.  I'm discerning on what I should do about this. I'm thinking I should confront these catcallers but I'm not so sure how I should do it. In the meantime, I want this post to be a reminder to all women that street harassment is not fucking OK, okay? If you can gather the courage to call these monkeys out on their bullshit, please do. But as always, be careful. You never know what these monkeys are capable of.

And for you men, don't even think about succumbing to this level of idiotic behavior. Before you open your mouth to drop an unsolicited comment to the woman passing by the street, remember that you came from your mom's vagina. If you're going to throw out a remark on a woman in public as if she's some piece of meat that you own, you are basically insulting your mom's gender. Don't you love your mom? You do? Okay. Then stop being an asshole and keep your pervy comments to yourself.

I am so fired up aren't I? I'll go to my own little space and try to calm down now. Ommmmmmmmm..